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Jon Kabat Zinn











My name is Deirdre Michel and I am delighted you have found your way to my website. If you are looking to make positive life changes or want to live your best life then please read on …..


As a life and mindset coach, I am passionate about facilitating personal growth, self-empowerment and happiness. I guide and support clients to transform their self-talk, identify their goals and dreams and pursue them in a focused, positive way. My approach combines training and qualifications in the areas of education, psychology, life coaching and NLP.


Having personally experienced many life changes and the need for a work-life balance, I offer tools and techniques to successfully navigate the more challenging situations in our lives, bringing back balance, joy and harmony. ‘Walking my talk‘ is integral to my coaching style. 

I have a keen sense of how to bring out the best in people and believe that we have all the answers we need inside ourselves. It’s by learning to tap and tune into our inner knowing, that life starts to flow and we enjoy the journey even more. Having experienced this first hand,  the results are life-changing in terms of happiness and life satisfaction. I love sharing this with others and watching the amazing changes that take place in people’s lives.  We can all live our best life with the right mindset and belief system. 

I work 1:1 with clients both face to face and remotely. Additionally, I offer coaching for parents and children and regularly give workshops and talks on wellbeing and positive living.  


If you feel coaching and my approach could help you, fill in your contact details below and we can arrange a time to chat and discuss.



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There are lots of life coaches and wellbeing professionals out there so why work with me? To begin with, I am a strong advocate for speaking with clients on a clarity call initially to see if we can work successfully together to gain optimum results. This works both ways. 

Coaching is not counselling although in the process you will get to recognise patterns of behaviour and why you behave in certain ways. It’s more of a journey forward, learning to adapt and change with life, identifying your desires and how to achieve them. 


The only certainty in life is change and I focus on enabling clients to navigate the inevitable twists and turns while advancing. I have a strong personal mindfulness practice and regularly use the tools and techniques that I suggest myself. ‘Walking my talk’ is me. I am not a ‘one size fits all’ type of coach and am passionate about using various modalities and approaches to match the individual needs and requirements of each client. 

Why work with me ?

1:1 Coaching
My 3 step approach


What is it that you want in life? What is working for you and what areas are you finding challenging?  Very often we know what we don’t want but are not sure about what we really desire. We may be stuck in a pattern of behaviour that is not working for us anymore or have self-limiting beliefs that are holding us back from going forward. Together we will look at all the areas in your life in terms of where you are and potentially what needs to change for you to thrive. We look at specifics and gain a clear picture of your core values and how they sit with your ambitions and desires. We will work out what makes you tick and develop a clear picture of where you want to be going forward.


For change to happen we take it step by step, making small positive changes in one area of our lives can automatically create a  knock-on effect in other areas. The changes could be using NLP techniques and adapting patterns of behaviour, learning to respond rather than react, self-compassion, mindfulness, meditation. I hold the space for clients to adapt and use these tools. We will put strategies in place to help you achieve your goals and wishes, whether they are personal, professional or both.


Self-empowerment, fulfilment and clear self-knowledge going forward.  The materials and techniques I use are tools for life. You deserve to be the best version of yourself and I aim to empower and motivate people along the way. Who doesn’t want to live a joyful happy abundant life?

Do you feel that there is something holding you back?
Are you ready to be empowered and make positive life changes?
Are you open to achieving your full potential?

Parents and Children / Teens

With  my teaching background,  I have extensive experience working with parents and  children. I am also a mother of two teenagers and understand the joys and challenges of parenting. I  help clients with family dynamics and sometimes suggest readjusting certain areas to restore harmony and balance.

Mindfulness and Meditation

I regularly run workshops and training in the area of mindfulness, meditation and self-care. These events are a great way to introduce mindfulness to your daily routine and start the ball rolling in terms of developing routines and taking the time out for self-care. Check the events section for upcoming workshops.


NLP Master Practitioner, Society of NLP™,  IPPS Certificate in  Life Coaching, IPPS,  B.Ed. Hons, Bsc Psychology hons, DBS with Marketing, UCD,  Post Graduate Diploma in Public Relations, DIT, Reiki Practitioner,  EFT Level 1, Professional Certificate in the Therapeutic Use of Mindfulness IICP,  currently working towards accreditation with the International Association of Mindfulness Teachers . ( IAMT)


Happy Clients

It was heartbreaking to watch my once confident son being crushed by a toxic mix of severe bullying and exam pressure during his Leaving Cert year. He was becoming increasingly unhappy, hated school and although he was very ambitious his grades were also suffering.
We engaged Deirdre Michel to help our son with mindfulness. She taught him valuable skills to help him to become more self-aware, to be appreciative, to remain calm and confident in stressful situations and not to believe the negative drama unfolding around him. He learnt to pause, to breathe and identify coping mechanisms. 
It was a lifeline for him  and the whole family. The situation  didn't change but his reaction to it did and he went on to achieve his aims while also developing a great tool kit, and a resilience that will stand to him as he begins his adult life in this tough world we live in.


One to One   Leaving Cert exam student         

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